Dr Kevin Williamson
Consultant Nutritionist and Clinical Lead at their Centre for Nutrition and Behaviour, Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH), and previously head of research at the Trust's Grounded Research Centre.
Kevin has worked as a Registered Nutritionist supporting mental health for almost 20 years; and his early work - helping young people with mental health problems at the early intervention in psychosis services at RDasH - received a UK Parliamentary commendation in 2008.*
He developed a nutritional service there for young people experiencing their first episode of psychosis - looking at their diet in relation to their illness, and providing a healthier, more nutritionally balanced alternative. This service drew praise from the Governmentâs Food and Health Forum, which recommended that all other NHS trusts should adopt a similar approach.

Since then, Kevin has further developed his nutritional care service for those with psychosis, and also created an accredited training package for healthcare professionals. The RDaSH Trust and their Centre for Nutrition and Behaviour have successfully developed, hosted and are now delivering a series of nutrition studies and training events, some of these funded by charities, national research institutions and industry.
In addition to his clinical work and qualifications as a Registered Nutritionist, Kevin has a Masters of Medical Science in Human Nutrition, and recently completed his PhD (University of Leeds, 2023) researching the subject of âNutrition for the Management of Psychosisâ. He has also authored a number of academic research publications on the topics of nutrition, mental health and peer-support.
Kevin is a highly popular and engaging speaker, with many yearsâ experience of both University lecturing and Clinical training, as well as having presented his clinical and research work both nationally and internationally. He has also assisted the FAB Research charity since 2008 as a Scientific and Professional Advisor, making a valued contribution to their educational and professional training events, as well as those of many other charities and support groups.
*View/Download the Associate Parliamentary Food and Health Forum Report 2008: Inquiry into the links between diet and behaviour here:
Recent PublicationsÂ
Peet M. and Williamson K., (2011), âFatty acids and Schizophreniaâ. Chapter in: Lifetime nutritional influences on cognition, behaviour and psychiatric illness, edited by D Benton. Woodhead: Cambridge.
Oldknow H., Williamson K. and Etheridge K., (2014) âPeer Support to assist in transition to adult servicesâ, Nursing Practice, 110(6), 20-21.
Oldknow H., Gosling J., Etheridge K. and Williamson K., âPeer support within a children and young peopleâs learning disability service: an evaluation of the peer support workerâs experienceâ, Learning Disability Practice, (in press).
Williamson, K., Kilner, K, Clibbens, N. 'A comparison of the nutrient intake of a community-dwelling first episode psychosis cohort, aged 19-64, with data from the United Kingdom population.' (under review)