Food Affects Behaviour
20+ Years of FAB Research – What next?

The first in a new series of 'FAB Focus' events - in which we answer your 'burning questions'

The video recording of this event - together with downloadable handouts - is available

A FAB Research Live Event and Q&A

with Dr Alex Richardson and Hazel De Maeijer

Do you have an interest in how diet can affect mental health, wellbeing and performance? 

And would you like to find out more about this area - for personal or professional reasons? 

The Food And Behaviour (FAB) Research charity has been at the forefront of research into the links between nutrition and brain health for more than 20 years, with a particular focus on the effects of food and diet on:

  • Developmental conditions such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and the Autistic Spectrum
  • Mental health conditions, including Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia and Dementia, among many others, and
  • Everyday difficulties with behaviour, learning, memory, mood and wellbeing

As we approach the end of our 20th anniversary year, we are now launching our new monthly ‘FAB Focus’ meetings, exploring the many different ways in which Food Affects Behaviour, and the implications of this – and focusing on what can be done to improve both research and practice by integrating the many different disciplines, approaches and perspectives involved.

These sessions will add to our existing FAB webinars, providing in-depth but accessible information and resources on specific topics and areas you’ve identified as important to you, and allowing more time for your questions, discussion and input.

In this first introductory FAB Focus session, founder Dr Alex Richardson will give you an overview summary of FAB's history to date, highlighting key milestones in the field, and summarising the latest findings on the importance of diet for mental as well as physical health in:

  • Pregnancy and Early Life
  • ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism and related conditions
  • Depression and other Mood Disorders
  • Aggression and Antisocial Behaviour

as well as outlining some of the new activities we have ongoing, and in the pipeline.

Hazel De Maeijer, Communications Officer and Coordinator of FAB's Volunteers, will give more detail on some of these activities - discussing her own work with FAB and the various new opportunities for you to get involved if you would like to do so - as a volunteer, collaborator, or in other ways depending on your own interests, skills and experience.

In addition to the presentation slides, you will also receive additional resources, downloadable handouts and other materials after the event on key topics discussed, including summaries of Q&A points.

Comments made about this event

"I love the way you gather so much information and present it in a succinct and direct manner."

"Interesting history leading up to FAB's creation, passionate presenters and such an important range of subjects."

"It's tremendous that you're making this research available - and horrific to see the scale of the implications and the urgency of action. I'm looking forward to hearing more."

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Dr Alex Richardson

Founder of FAB Research, world-renowned researcher, author, and educator.

Alex Richardson PhD, PGCE, FRSA is one of the world's leading experts in nutritional neuroscience, with 100+ publications including pioneering clinical trials. Her research centres on the importance of nutrition for neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions like ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Depression, Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia; and their links with allergies, immune disorders and gut health as well as normal individual differences in brain development and functioning.

Her book for parents and professionals, "They Are What You Feed Them" explains how children’s diets can - and do - affect their behaviour, learning and mood, and offers easy-to-follow, practical and evidence-based advice.

Hazel De Maeijer

FAB Communications Officer and Volunteer Coordinator

Hazel holds a BSc in Psychology and an MSc in ‘Nutrition and Behaviour’, accredited by the Association for Nutrition (AfN).

She also has previous experience as a Learning Support Practitioner for students with special educational needs, and a personal and professional interest ADHD, ASD and related neurodevelopmental conditions.

She has already carried out research of her own with higher education students, examining ADHD-type symptoms, mental wellbeing, and dietary omega 3 intakes within this population.

In addition to further research, Hazel is now using her knowledge, experience and skills to assist FAB in develop educational resources for both health and nutrition professionals and the general public, aimed at improving understanding and support to help more neurodiverse individuals achieve their true potential.

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Answering Questions, and Putting Evidence Into Practice

In the 20+ years since FAB was founded, huge advances in research - from biological, psychological and social science perspectives – have brought important new discoveries in these areas. However:

  • not enough of this information, and its implications, is even known yet to most people
  • some of it is complicated, and can be confusing - and while evidence in some areas is both strong and consistent, others still need much more investigation 

What’s more

  • good research starts with asking the right questions
  • translating the best evidence into practice is not easy, for many different reasons

Please join us for this special ‘FAB Focus’ event if you have questions of your own about the links between nutrition and behaviour, in research or practice - or simply want to find out more about:

  1. Why FAB matters - to everyone
  2. What's been achieved by FAB's researchers, professionals, collaborators and supporters
  3. What new initiatives we now have in the pipeline – to fulfil our overriding mission to help more people to eat better, feel better, learn better - and behave better!
  4. How YOU could help improve, increase – and share more widely – the wealth of information that FAB can offer from leading experts and stakeholders in the many different areas involved.

Book your place now:

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or become a FAB Associate Member


Join us to watch this webinar AND get free access to previous and future FAB Webinars - as well as other unique content and Associate Membership benefits


All proceeds from this event will go to Food And Behaviour (FAB) Research to support its work Registered Charity No: SC034604, Company No: SC 253448.

What others say about FAB Research

"Joining from across The Pond… These seminars are incredible! Looking forward to the next one. Thanks to all."

- September 2023

"Alex Richardson has the ability to bridge the gap between her knowledge from the forefront of science and the need to find good information as a parent. More than that –she genuinely cares about helping parents access up to date information on nutrition and behaviour."

- Parent with an Autistic child

"Very informative – will be able to advise parents (in my job as a school nurse) re the importance of diet – Dave Rex’s talk – some useful ideas to use at school along with teachers."

- School Nurse

"I learned a lot and found lecture very enjoyable and interesting. Many thanks."

- Comment on FAB's August 2023 webinar 

"FAB has raised my awareness of the importance of a healthy diet for all, not just those with behavioural issues, problems."

- Early Years Officer, Local Authority

"FAB Research provides a wealth of valuable information which isn't always available elsewhere - and in an easily digested form."

- GP and Medical Advisor

Who is this Event for?

Anyone interested in how food and diet can affect mental health, wellbeing and performance


This webinar is designed to help anyone who is interested - whatever their specific background, education or training - to 

  • understand why nutrition is fundamental to brain, as well as body health
  • appreciate that definitive conclusions about the links between diet and wellbeing are complicated by individual differences, and the complexity of both nutrition and human behaviour 
  • find out how the best available evidence can be assessed and applied in practice by individuals, professionals and policymakers.

Some of FAB's new activities and opportunities are likely to best suit students, trainees or professionals in health, education or allied areas. Others are open to anyone with a purely personal interest, even if they have only a few hours to spare.

A recording of this live event will be available afterwards - along with access to handouts of the slides and additional materials, including links and pointers to further information on the topics covered in both the webinar presentations and Q&A.

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What is FAB Research?

Food and Behaviour Research (FAB Research), established in 2003 by Dr Alex Richardson DPhil (Oxon), PGCE, FRSA, is a charitable organisation dedicated both to advancing scientific research into the links between nutrition and human behaviour and to making the findings from such research available to the widest possible audience. 

Our mission: We are committed to improving current knowledge and awareness of the effects of nutrition and diet on human behaviour, learning and mood. We aspire to be a leader of scientific research into how nutrition affects the human brain and mind, and an intellectual and strategic force for improving public education and professional practice in this domain.

What other people say about working with FAB Research

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