The Role of Food and Diet in ADHD
a FAB Research Webinar and Q&A session
Dr Alex Richardson discusses how to help children focus, stay engaged and accelerate learning with a clear mind and good mood.
Learn how to recognise overlaps with ADHD and other developmental conditions like dyslexia, dyspraxia or the autism spectrum and why most modern diets really are bad news for brain health and wellbeing – and particularly for any child with ADHD-type difficulties.
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"FAB has raised my awareness of the importance of a healthy diet for all, not just those with behavioural issues, problems."
- Early Years Officer, Local Authority

"FAB Research provides a wealth of valuable information which isn't always available elsewhere - and in an easily digested form."
- GP and Medical Advisor
Who is this webinar for?
This webinar is aimed at anyone with a personal or professional interest in:
ADHD and related developmental or mental health conditions
How better nutrition can improve children’s mood, behaviour and ability to learn
Parents /carers & adults with ADHD or related conditions
Students & researchers
Professionals & policy-makers working in education, health, nutrition, dietetics, mental health, social services, criminal justice or allied areas.
What To Expect
You will learn what ‘ADHD’ actually means (and what it doesn’t).
Some simple diet and lifestyle changes that clinical trials have shown can improve ‘core’ ADHD symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
Other evidence-based strategies and tactics for reducing stress, anxiety and ‘meltdowns’ – and improving mood and sleep – for both you and your child!
Despite all the evidence, nutrition and diet are still largely ignored in standard clinical practice for the diagnosis or management of ADHD or other child behaviour and learning difficulties. But given the right information, parents, teachers and health practitioners can help to improve almost any child’s diet and eating habits to help them maximise their potential – so don’t miss this chance to hear from one of the world’s leading experts in this area.
Download presentation summary hereOur Speaker
Hear from one of the world's leading experts in nutrition and neurodevelopmental conditions - Dr Alex Richardson.

Dr Alex Richardson
Founder of FAB Research, world-renowned researcher, author, and educator.
Alex Richardson PhD, PGCE, FRSA is one of the world's leading experts in nutritional neuroscience, with 100+ publications including pioneering clinical trials. Her research centres on the importance of nutrition for neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions like ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Depression, Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia; and their links with allergies, immune disorders and gut health as well as normal individual differences in brain development and functioning.
Her book for parents and professionals, "They Are What You Feed Them" explains how children’s diets can - and do - affect their behaviour, learning and mood, and offers easy-to-follow, practical and evidence-based advice.
The Role of Food and Diet in ADHD
Given the right information, almost any childā€™s diet and eating habits can be helped to maximise their potential
aĀ recorded webinar you can watch anytime

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What is FAB Research?
Food and Behaviour Research (FAB Research), established in 2003 by Dr Alex Richardson DPhil (Oxon), PGCE, FRSA, is a charitable organisation dedicated both to advancing scientific research into the links between nutrition and human behaviour and to making the findings from such research available to the widest possible audience.
Our mission: We are committed to improving current knowledge and awareness of the effects of nutrition and diet on human behaviour, learning and mood. We aspire to be a leader of scientific research into how nutrition affects the human brain and mind, and an intellectual and strategic force for improving public education and professional practice in this domain.