Food and Behaviour Research (FAB)
Your go-to place for reliable, independent information on how food, diet and nutrition affect mental health and performance.
Nutrition for ADHD
and related conditions
A FAB Research Live Webinar and Q&A session
- with Dr Emma Derbyshire and Dr Alex Richardson
The video recording of this event - together with downloadable handouts - is available
- FREE to FAB Associates (for other benefits of joining FAB as an Associate member - see HERE)
- Alternatively, this - and other individual FAB Webinars - can be accessed for a small fee via our FAB Webinar Library
Official guidelines ignore the connection between food and ADHD (and related conditions). But research says that diet CAN help to manage symptoms
Living with ADHD can be a challenging and confusing journey. There is a huge amount of information online, but much of it is contradictory and misleading, making it hard to know what to believe – or what to do that might help.
In this webinar and live Q&A FAB Research experts will discuss the controversial role of nutrition and diet in ADHD and related conditions – focusing on what’s ‘evidence-based’ and what isn’t, sharing their insights on the practical, real-world implications, and answering your questions.
This event will help anyone interested in ADHD to:
- Understand ADHD: Appreciate what ADHD really is, explore co-occurring conditions, and understand the rationale behind NICE treatment guidelines.
- Learn Effective Nutritional Strategies: Hear about practical, tried-and-tested dietary approaches for managing ADHD and related conditions, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, ASD, anxiety, and depression.
- Improve Brain Energy and Combat Fatigue: Discover which foods, diets and nutrients can help fight fatigue – and which ones deplete mental energy .
- Manage ‘Sensory Processing’ Issues: Find out how nutrition and diet can affect visual auditory and other aspects of sensory processing – including how food tastes and feels – and what changes can help in managing ‘sensory overload’.
- Boost Focus and Concentration: Identify foods and nutrients that can enhance attention and concentration.
Dr Emma Derbyshire
BSc, PhD, RNutr
Founder & CEO of Nutritional Insight
Expert in Nutrition and ADHD, registered nutritionist with the Association for Nutrition, public health nutritionist, and award-winning nutrition and health writer.
Read more about Dr Derbyshire here.
Dr Alex Richardson
DPhil (Oxon), PGCE, FRSA
World-renowned researcher, educator, speaker and published author; and Founder Director of the UK-based charity, Food and Behaviour (FAB) Research.
Read more about Dr Richardson here.
Fielding questions
Hazel De Maeijer
Nutritionist, MSc, BSc, GMBPsP
FAB Communications Officer and Volunteer Coo-Ordinator
Bringing experience as a Learning Support Practitioner for students with special educational needs, and a personal and professional interest in ADHD, Autism and related neurodevelopmental conditions, as well as emotional regulation and executive function
Read more about Hazel De Maeijer here.
Dr Emma Derbyshire speaking on Foetal Brain Development at a recent FAB webinar:
Praise for Dr Emma Derbyshire
"Internationally renowned nutritionist Dr. Emma Derbyshire once again offers practical, neurodiversity-affirmative approach to optimising ADHD and dyslexic diets for emotional regulation and cognitive performance." - Dr. Tony Lloyd
Feedback received on our events
"I have attended a few FAB webinars and it is always topics you don't get anywhere else. Thanks for bringing more to the nutrition knowledge."
"Stunningly good, in every respect - gold standard."
"These seminars are incredible! Looking forward to the next one. Thanks to all."
"I learned a lot and found lecture very enjoyable and interesting."
"I love the way you gather so much information and present it in a succinct and direct manner."
"Alex Richardson has the ability to bridge the gap between her knowledge from the forefront of science and the need to find good information as a parent. More than that –she genuinely cares about helping parents access up to date information on nutrition and behaviour."
Nutrition for ADHD and related conditions
Hear expert researchers and speakers Dr Emma Derbyshire and Dr Alex Richardson.
All proceeds from this event will go to Food And Behaviour (FAB) Research to support its work Registered Charity No: SC034604, Company No: SC 253448.
"FAB has raised my awareness of the importance of a healthy diet for all, not just those with behavioural issues, problems."
- Early Years Officer, Local Authority
"FAB Research provides a wealth of valuable information which isn't always available elsewhere - and in an easily digested form."
- GP and Medical Advisor
What is FAB Research?
Food and Behaviour Research (FAB Research), established in 2003 by Dr Alex Richardson DPhil (Oxon), PGCE, FRSA, is a charitable organisation dedicated both to advancing scientific research into the links between nutrition and human behaviour and to making the findings from such research available to the widest possible audience.
Our mission: We are committed to improving current knowledge and awareness of the effects of nutrition and diet on human behaviour, learning and mood. We aspire to be a leader of scientific research into how nutrition affects the human brain and mind, and an intellectual and strategic force for improving public education and professional practice in this domain.